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Dernière connexion 4946 jours

Informations générales

Niveau de scolarité:

Diplôme secondaire



Préférences d'horaires:


Alyssa (34) - Gardienne - Sherwood Park

1 année experience Salaire:$6.25 / heure
Gardienne disponible


My experience consists of: Two girls who were 3 and 5 for two summers. Taking them to the park, going on walks, cooking for them, playing dress up, painting their toenails etc. Young girl from 2- 4 years old at night. So playing with her before bed, feeding her, giving her a bath and putting her to bed before a certain time. 5-year-old boy and a 2-year-old girl. I would be there in the morning when they woke up and I would cook them breakfast. Get them dressed and then play with them until their mother came home. 7 year old girl, 5 year old boy and a 3 year old boy. Getting them up in the morning, feeding them, dressing them, going on walks, someday we would walk to a cafe for lunch. And then we would go back home and play a card game or hide and go seek before their mom would come home in the afternoon. 6 months - 5 years.Just watching them for a few hours, so making sure they ate something and then playing a game with them.

Nombre idéal d'enfants sous votre charge:

jusqu'à 2

Âge idéal des enfants sous votre charge:

Je n'ai pas de de préférence

Prêt à offrir:

Salaire:$6.25 / heure

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